Community Board of Management

Bill Bolton Arena is one of eight City of Toronto arenas managed by a volunteer board of management. An arena board is responsible for:

They set ice rental rates, develop programs, approve the annual budget, direct and hire the Arena Manager, set staff compensation and benefits, and in consultation with the General Manager of Parks, Recreation & Forestry allocate ice-time to users on an annual basis.

Follow this link for information on the Board governance structure for the Arena Boards of Management.

The Arena Boards provide safe, full and equitable access to high quality indoor ice sport recreational facilities that are managed effectively and efficiently to provide opportunities for physical fitness and sport skill development through individual and team activities in response to local community needs.


Bill Bolton Arena's board consists of 12 members which includes the city councillor for University-Rosedale, a representative from Parks, Recreation and Forestry, as well as 10 citizen members. They meet once a month, at least six times a year, to ensure the arena is serving the community at the lowest cost to the City. 

You can contact the Board directly below:



NEXT Meeting: September 12 @ 6:30pm